Let your inside be as attractive as the outside!

Make your cake a layer cake.
A layer cake is also known as a sandwich cake. It is a cake consisting of multiple stacked sheets of cake, held together by frosting or another type of filling.
This among other factors, helps to ensure that your cake is moist and fluffy. If you pour too much cake batter into your baking pan, your cake will stay too long in the oven  before it gets done, also wasting your gas, and the longer it stays, the drier and harder your cake becomes.

To ensure your layer cake is properly done, follow the following procedures.

1. Bake flat, even cake layers. You can achieve this by using a digital scale to weigh your pans while you distribute your cake batter into them.

 2. Reduce baking temperature : If your oven is too hot, you won't get the desired result in terms of level tops, etc.

3. Bake and store your cake layers a day before you are ready to frost. This  will help your cakes to stay firm and less likely to crack or move around while you are working on it. You can store in a refrigerator for a short period of time ( a day before frosting) or in a freezer for a longer period of time. 

Note: When storing in a fridge, you should wrap your cake layers with a plastic wrap( cling film) but if you are storing it in the freezer for a longer period, you should double wrap with the cling film.

4. When you are ready to frost, turn your first layer top-side-down. This will give you a smooth surface to work with. Then add a layer of frosting or filling. Repeat the same process for the other layer and then crumb coat your cake to properly to define it's shape and seal in crumbs.

Note: Your  layered cake can be made up of different cake flavours such as red velvet and chocolate cake, vanilla and red velvet cake,carrot and vanilla cake, chocolate and vanilla cake, coconut and vanilla cake, etc. Your layers can be more than two depending on what your customer wants.

Important information : Be creative with your cake presentation (on the inside) to make it look appealing to the client when they cut the cake,  for example if a customer wants a three layer cake, for example, vanilla and chocolate - 2 layers of vanilla and a layer of chocolate cake, you can put a layer of vanilla cake first, then the chocolate cake, the third layer will be vanilla cake, so they can have a mixed bit of the cake unless your customer wants it in a particular order.

Also, add some filling between the layers of your cake, it helps to add flavour to your cake and your customer will love it,but don't add it if your customer doesn't want it.

The beauty of the cake ( that's the decoration)  will bring them to you but the taste of the cake will keep them.
If you want your customers to keep patronizing you and also bring more people to you, then you have to make a balance between the two, the outside must be attractive and the inside must be excellent.

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