Step by step Samosa recipe 😍


Explicit steps of making Samosa


✅2 cups flour,  (Keep some aside for dusting and kneading)

✅1 teaspoon salt

✅3/4 cup water (and extra 2 tablespoons in case the dough is a bit dry)

✅Juice of one lime


Picture and procedure credit :  Gatuiri

✅In a bowl mix the flour and salt.

✅Make a well, then pour in the water

Pour in the lime juice

✅Using a wooden spoon, mix the dough until it’s sticky.

✅On a floured surface, knead the dough until soft and no longer sticky.

✅ Lightly oil the dough and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

✅Once the dough is rested, divide it into quarters.

Roll out each quarter into a log and cut to form 3 equal balls.

✅Repeat the above procedure to yield a total of 12 small balls

✅Keep the small balls covered to keep them from drying out.

Take one of the small balls

Using a rolling pin,roll out the ball into a small disc.

✅Repeat the process to form 3 small discs.

✅Take one of the three small rolled out discs and brush with some vegetable oil.

✅Dust the oiled disc with some flour.

Take another rolled out disc and place on top of the oiled and floured one.

✅Repeat the procedure, brush some oil on the second disc.

✅Dust with some flour

Place the third disc on the two that have already been staked up.

Dust the three layers with some flour and prepare to roll them out.

✅Using a rolling pin, firmly roll out the stacked up discs.

✅Keep flipping over to ensure the discs roll out while still maintaining a circular shape. Heat up a heavy bottomed pan, I used the one for making chapatis. No oil is needed.

✅On a heated pan, place the rolled out dough.

The idea is the dough to partially cook, flip after air pockets start to form on one side, then remove from the pan.

✅Now the fun part, gently lift the top layer and gently pull away from the other two.

✅Pull away gently to keep the sheets from tearing.

✅Repeat for the second layer

✅The sheets will be light and almost translucent.

✅Once all the sheets have been precooked, stack them together.

✅Using a knife, cut the sheets in half

Samosa pockets ready for use.

✅Now the sheets are ready to use.

* Before using the sheets, prepare an edible glue using flour and water. 

✅Take one of the sheets.

Bring the end furthest from you to form a triangle.

✅Using a brush or your finger, apply some of the edible glue of the piece that is left.

✅Fold over to seal the pocket.

This will form a cone, with a cavity for the filling.

✅Fill the cone with your preferred filling, don’t stuff.

✅Using your thumbs close up the cone.

Apply more of the edible glue on the hanging flap.

Then fold over to seal the samosa.

*Then fry😋

Step by step procedure👇👇

Your samosa is ready💃💃

U can preserve it in the freezer if you are not ready to consume.

Picture and procedure credit of samosa:  Gatuiri

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