There are different tricks,tips and hacks to make life easier,save some coins and reduce time spent in the kitchen cooking,especially when it comes to cooking Nigerian dishes.

  Most of these tips and tricks have always been there,but for those who do not know that cooking Nigerian food doesn't have to be that intense.

        Here are the various tips and tricks;

👉🏿 When making Amala,Semo and Wheat meal,add some drops of vegetable oil to the boiling water before adding the flour and stir. This gives a smooth and fluffy swallow without lumps and also prevents it from sticking to the bottom of your cooking pot

👉🏿 After boiling spaghetti or macaroni,rinse with clean water to remove starch and your spaghetti remains free flowing and non sticky. You can also drop some oil and salt to the boiling pot to prevent it from sticking together.

👉🏿 Chop or dice vegetables like okra,ugwu,afa ng,ewedu,and others. Store in the fridge for as long as you want and when it is time to use,do not defrost,just go ahead and cook your fresh vegetables and enjoy

👉🏿 For accidents with hot pots or kitchen disaster with fire while cooking, apply your baking flour immediately and it will heal without a scar.

👉🏿 Parboil beans and rinse like rice before cooking to avoid heart burns

👉🏿 To make ogbono soup that's thick but not too drawy ,fry the ogbono after grinding. But anyway why is it ogbono soup if it won't draw.

👉🏿 Too much crayfish,oil and onions can reduce the drawy strength of your ogbono soup.

👉🏿 Adding butter or vegetable oil to boiling pot gives nice texture to your boiled rice

👉🏿 close containers tight immediately after use to preserve your ingredients.

👉🏿 Drop peeled Irish potatoes in your pot of salty soup and warm to remove the salty taste.

👉🏿 To prevent your unripe plantain from ripening,keep in a bowl of water for as long as you want them to remain unripe,take them out when you want them to ripen.

👉🏿 Wash snails with lime to remove slime and harden.

👉🏿 For lingering onion,and garlic smell that refuse to go away even after washing hands,rub your palms on a stainless steel like the kitchen sink and it clears off.

👉🏿 To re use cooking oil,fry some ginger in it first and the taste of whatever was cooked disappear leaving you with good oil.

👉🏿 For your burnt pot of rice, place a piece of white bread on the hot rice and leave for about 5 mins to absorb the burnt taste. Open and take out the bread, then serve and enjoy.

👉🏿 Place white plastic bowls under the sun to remove oil stains.

👉🏿 Empty bad tasting palm oil in a deep pot, boil until the little drops of water left behind dry up and the oil retains it's good taste.

👉🏿 For salty boiled yam, add more clean water and drain before serving.

👉🏿 Crayfish is the medicine for ogbono soup. Without meat or fish, add enough crayfish and enjoy delicious ogbono soup.

👉🏿 Keep your yams head down and tails up to prevent them from germinating and growing in the store room.

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