Whiten Your Teeth In 3 Days With This Teeth Whitening Recipe

 Whiten Your Teeth In 3 Days With This Teeth Whitening Recipe

Step 1. Ginger

Get ginger and then peel the ginger. After you have peel the ginger, grater it and put it in a plate or cup, anyone.

Note: Ginger is an antibacterial agent, it reverses cavities and heals tooth decay .

Step 2. Salt:

Measure one teaspoon of salt and add to the ginger.

Step 3: Lemon:

Cut lemon and squeeze it inside a plate or cup and then measure one teaspoon of it and pour it inside where you have already put your ginger and salt.

Step 4: mix everything together, mix it well. Take a clean toothbrush and brush your teeth.

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