A goldmine in a plant


WATERLEAF contains vitamin A and C.

It is good in treating:



3.High blood sugar 


5.Diarrhoea in children 

6.Immune Booster

7.Blood booster 

8.Fatigue/ Tiredness after work. Etcetera etcetera. 

9.It also make your skin glow😋.


   You can eat it either cooked or raw.

The best way to enjoy it's wonderful nutrients,  is taking it as "WATERLEAF juice".

  How to prepare WATERLEAF juice:

1. Wash your fresh WATERLEAF thoroughly. 

2.  Blend it with little water.

3. Drink immediately after blending it.

Do not preserve blended WATERLEAF inside refrigerator. 

Do not drink it after 10 minutes of blending it, because it is no longer safe for drinking. 

The best moment to take your WATERLEAF juice is as the last thing before bedtime. After taking your juice , you will sleep like a baby till morning.  And you will feel renewed 😁.

Credit Owners//Princess Samuel

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