Don't add only water to rice

 It is a big mistake to add only water to cook rice. 

Add Oil, if you just prepared chicken,beef or turkey, you can add the water as well, it helps to improve the flavour as well,giving you a pleasant taste you desire

Here are other secrets of rice you don't know 👇


1. Frying your raw washed rice in vegetable oil, before using it to cook your fried rice or jollof rice, makes it brown a bit, gives it a beautiful flavour and also, makes it not to stick together when cooked.

2. Short grain rice is best used for making tuwo shinkafa, masa, rice flour, while long grain rice is best used for cooking your rice recipes.

3. Your rice can be steamed, simmered, boiled or baked.

4. Burning your rice a little bit, adds lovely flavour to it. This is usually done for a perfect jollof rice taste.

5. To avoid your rice to become soggy (too soft), never overcook it or never cook it will plenty water.

6. Apart from vegetable oil, palm oil can also be used to cook your jollof rice. It doesn't only add good taste to it, but also adds more beautiful red colour to it.

7. When cooking your white rice that will be eaten the next day, it is best to cook it without salt.

8. While making a party rice and you notice that some are done, while some are still strong, use cabbage leaves to cover the top of the rice and cover your pot and in few minutes, all of your rice will be tender/soft and well cooked.

9. If water is too much in your cooking rice, just add sliced bread on it and it will absorb the water from the rice.

10. If you want your rice to satisfy you quickly, eat it with banana. It might sound strange, but it is real.

11. Your fried rice won't spoil quickly, if you toast fry it in vegetable oil before you start cooking it. This process also adds flavour to the fried rice and helps the rice not to stick to each other. Also, frying your rice and vegetables well, will make it not to spoil quick.

12. Once you have lot of water in your rice, you can use a clean kitchen towel to drain out the excess water from it.

13. Sprinkling few drops of lemon juice on your cooking rice, helps it not to stick together, helps it to become whiter and also adds lovely flavour to it.

14. Adding vegetable oil in your cooking rice, helps it not to stick together, adds flavour to it and also, makes the rice look shining.

15. Don't throw away the rice sieved water after cooking. You can use it to water your home plants for nutrients.

16. Rice is a steamed recipe and is cooked with heat, that is why after turning off the heat, the rice will still be cooking.

17. As we have palm oil rice recipe, so we also have vegetable oil rice recipe. They are both the cheapest rice recipes to cook.

18. Your rice can be ground into powder and used for baking or making tuwo shinkafa.

19. To warm your leftover white rice, don't scatter it in the pot. Just add a little water and cook on very low heat until it is hot. Nobody will know you just warm it.

20. You can put onion in the middle of a burning Jollof rice to avoid the burnt scent in the Jollof rice.


Written by: Food Research kitchen

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