The wonders of Rice and yeast

 See how rice and yeast makes a delicious snack known as Masa

 see recipe 👇


Masa, also know as ‘rice cake’, is a popular northern Nigerian food made from rice.

Specifically, the rice that is used in making Tuwon Shinkafa.

This type of rice is sticky so it holds unlike the regular rice used in making Jollof.

Masa can be eaten as a snack or served with a variety of soups as a proper meal.

Masa is also popularly sold with suya (skewered meat).

Here are the ingredients you need to make Masa.

1.5 cups raw rice

1.5 teaspoons active dry yeast

4 tablespoons sugar

2 cups water at room temperature

1/4 teaspoon ground akaun (cooking potash) (Optional)

½ teaspoon salt


Soak the raw rice in 5 cups of water overnight

Dissolve the sugar and akaun in the 1.5 cups of water and add the yeast. Set aside in a warm area* for 10-15 minutes, until very frothy.

Drain the rice completely. Blend rice with the yeast and akaun mixture to make a smooth batter. Add the cooked rice, and blend to combine well. The batter should be very thick

Pour batter into a large bowl, cover and leave in a warm place for 8-12 hours. You want the mixture to rise, collapse and ferment.

Add salt and a little bit more sugar if needed. Add a bit of water if necessary so that you have a batter that is just as thick as pap

Heat your pan over medium heat. Wipe a few drops of oil over it , Stir the batter and pour in 3-4 tablespoons, depending on the size of the pan.

Flip after 2.5mins and cook the other side for another 2 mins.

Repeat the process until you use up all the batter.

 Credit to owner.

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