Untapped secret of Moringa and bitter kola


  1. For diabetes and abnormally high sugar level: Wash some moringa leaf and grind it together with 3 pieces of bitter kola, take 1 tablespoon in the morning before eating and at night.  It will normalize your sugar level and thus cure diabetes.

  2. To reduce libido and weakness in bed: moringa grind and bitter kola, soak in dry gin or brandy and have one drink a day, preferably in the evening

  3. To improve fertility: Boil moringa leaves and 2 bitter kola for about 10 to 15 minutes.  Drink a small cup 2 times a day.

  4. For hypertension and heart disease: cut 3 bitter kola and soak it together with the moringa leaf and bitter lemon.  And drink once a day.

  5. For general supplements and nutrients to boost your immunity: Add moringa leaves to your soup when cooking.  Be careful not to overcook the blade.

  6. For infections (staph, vaginal discharge, gonorrhea, malaria and typhoid fever);  Grind 3 Bitter Kola Seeds And Toss With Squeezed Moringa Leaf.  Drink morning and night for 7 days.

  7. For menstrual cramps, pain and dysfunction: crush and mix 3 Bitter Kola with moringa and bitter leaf juice.  And drink 2 times a day.


 Credit Owners

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