Garlic,cloves and Honey

 It is that time of the year to remake this remedy and start using it if you have it at home already.

It is the season where one picks up infection easily, cough, cold, catarrh, sinus, sore throat, urinary tract infections etc

The good thing about this remedy is that it also serves as a heart tonic syrup?

Get some cloves of garlic, peel and dice into pieces. Soak into a cup of honey for a week or more.

👉 Take a tablespoons first thing in the morning, you'd have to chew the garlic ofcourse.

👉 You can add a teaspoon inside your cup of tea in the morning. 

👉 Take for two weeks and rest a while.

And you can use cucumber to kill the garlic smell afterwards.

For those that are allergic to garlic, you can use onions in its place.

This remedy does not get bad. It should be in a cupboard and to be used anytime you feel the need.

Credit Owners//Madam Akeju

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