Natural remedy for Nail fungus

 Today we'll be looking at remedy to help tackle Toenail Fungus.

Toenail Fungus also known as Onychomycosis is the Fungus that causes the swelling, yellowing, inflammation, thickening or crumbling of the nails.


4-5 tbsp Baking Soda

1 cup White Vinegar


Paper Towels

1 Bucket (big enough for soaking your feet.)


1. Fill a third of the bucket with water and to it add the vinegar.

2. Soak your feet in the vinegar water for about 15 minutes.

3. Pat your feet 

4. dry with paper towels.

5. Discard the vinegar-water and refill a third of the bucket with fresh water.

6.To this add the baking soda and soak your feet for another 15 minutes.

7.Pat your feet dry with paper towels.

How Often?

Twice a day until the problem stops

Why This Works

The vinegar kills the fungus while the baking soda helps prevent it from growing or re-forming.

Soak feet if you are experiencing it on your feet

Soak your hand if you are experiencing it on your fingers

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