Powerful And Dangerous wall gecko



This little creature called wall gecko is one of the most powerful animals used by spiritual forces to perpetrate their nefarious act against human being in the spiritual realm. 

Don't forget that spiritual controls the physical. 

Before anything manifests in the physical, it would have first been perfected in the  spiritual realm. 

When forces want to come to where you're living and have personal contact with someone, they use wall gecko. It is simply for monitoring and to deposit some spiritual problem in the life of the host. 

Anytime you see wall gecko in your room, or any part of the house, just know that, a particular force is already operating in your house and by extension, your life. 

At times, they will be hiding and you won't notice and they would be carrying out their assignment silently. 

The silent one is the most deadliest. With this, things would stop operating the way it should. Many things would start going wrong.


Whatever it would take you, once you sight this wall gecko in your house, do everything to kill it. 

Don't allow it to go. If it goes and you couldn't kill it, it will go and rekindle and reinforce against you. 

Infact, the day you fail to kill it, it will appear to you in the dream and attack you. 

You will wake up and see stretch marks on your body. They have deposited some negative energies in you. You will now be running up and down. If you see wall gecko in your bathroom, spiritual things won't work for you, no matter how active it is.


If they notice that you want to kill them and you run to take stick or broom, before you come back, they will dissapear suddenly without knowing where they run to. With that, they will show you pepper from that day.


Cut onions in all the corners of your house (rooms, sitting room, etc) and put small salt on the onions respectively. 

The solution will weaken them and send them packing or you get a long cassava stick and place at all corner of your room..

Remain ever blessed..

Credit Owners//

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