The power of palm oil and ash

 How You Can Use Red Oil And Ash to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks is caused due to rapid stretching of the skin which might be due to rapid weight changes. 

It could also be due to hormonal changes that associated with puberty, pregnancy, body building too much weight etc.

Stretch marks appears on anywhere on the body, especially where larger amount of fat are stored. Examples breast, upper and under arms, thighs, hips, buttocks etc. 

But the good news is that it does not have any health risk which means if you have it on your body, you have nothing to worry about because there are so many ways to get rid of it naturally.

Palm oil contains the hard to find toctrienols which is another form of vitamin E. Red oil does not only improve the scars but also it prevents stretch marks from forming in the first place. 

While wood ash is enriched with potassium, calcium and magnesium.

METHOD: Carefully and properly mix red palm oil and ash together, then massage the affected areas very well, leave it for one hour or more before washing it off.

Do it repeatedly, in no time you will see the difference.

This is the easiest and natural way to get rid of stretch marks without spending much and palm oil and ash is within our reach.

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